Intelligent Ceiling Suspension Radiographic System
PerfoX 5500 positions itself as a fully automated, intelligent suspended DR that delivers exceptional experience even during busy examinations.
The high-performance imaging chain outputs reliable images as always. Subtle image details elevate diagnosis confidence to meet a broad range of clinical needs.
Intelligent positioning with ease
With the click of a button, the tube head and bucky will automatically go to the desired position for the upcoming examination.
Maintain SID
The elevating table has an even rise and fall and is more friendly to the elderly and children. Tube head can move synchronized with table height to maintain preset SID.
Mutual auto-tracking vertically
According to the different heights, the mutual auto-tracking vertical function can reduce the workload of the technician in the large-scale examination.
Mutual auto-tracking horizontally
Automatic horizontal tracking makes it easier for technicians to locate and cover all parts of the body with ease, resulting in a more efficient examination.
Auto-stitching at your fingertips
Stitching images has never been easier. The system automatically imagines in sections, exposing sequentially to obtain several images, and then intelligently composing the panoramic image at the workstation with one click.
Flexible configuration
Different combinations are available for your needs.
Height-adjustable table
Simplified mobile table
Fixed wall stand
Tilting wall stand
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